Presentation at Webster University

October 2017

My books were translated and so I thought ‘let’s visit the Webster University on my way biking to the center’ because it is in my hometown Leiden. 

And I met an interested and enthusiastic counsellor who asked me immediately to give a presentation for her group of students in a week or two. Topic would be motivation and how to handle motivationloss. So I did. And it was so nice  meeting this group of students who told me they could implementate the information right away. Recovery of motivation blocks can make a big difference in your awareness and your study. We arranged to make future plans!

‘Evidence based method for students, parents, schools and counsellors’

‘Nerve is needed to overcome nerves’

Translated from

‘Evidence-based’ methode voor leerlingen, studenten, ouders, school en zorgbegeleiders

‘Leven is meervoud van lef’ (Loesje)

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